Friday, October 3, 2008

anatomy ... politics .. relgion ... ohboy

I just finished my anatomy test and got a D+-ish grade. I'm officially pissed off. I hate those stupid freaking put in order questions because if you get one wrong whole DAMN question is wrong. Fuck my life.

In other news, if McCain/Palin win the election in November I am moving to Canada ... at least they have national health care. I doubt McCain and Palin will win, but these stupid women who are voting for her just because she's a woman PISS ME OFF! Do you really want to vote in a woman who will make us look like a 50's housewife disaster?!?! Voting her in is saying to men, "Yeah, you shouldn't trust women with power; just watch what this dingbat will do." I can't believe she even got the VP domination number one, and number two can't believe she accepted. She bitches about all the press her pregnant daughter is getting, well then don't put yourself in the public spotlight you dumbass. URGHHH. I just hate politics. It's all so stupid. And the blatant lies that the McCain/Palin campaign are putting in their ads are sickening. Did I mention I'm ashamed to be an American? Yeah, I said what we're all thinking.

Speaking of conservatives the way religion is being integrated into everything is FUCKING RIDICULOUS!!!! And if I get offered one more pamphlet on abortion I will scream! I'm so sick of people telling me, "Oh you're atheist/agnostic, but you seem so nice." Yeah that's because I AM. Religion has nothing to do with the niceness of people. I know plenty of religious people that are ASSHOLES. And, I don't need to be saved thanks. Also, fossils and rock layers aren't their for the hell of it or because Satan put them there to confuse us you dipshits. They're historical artifacts. And do give me that shit about but carbon dating can be screwed with. Well yeah, so can your brain and it has if you believe that fossils are fake and it's a big scientific conspiracy.

ohboy I should probably stop now before my blood starts to boil fer realll.

and sorry about the rant qualities of this post. I apologize.