Monday, December 3, 2007

salem's sweethearts

being told that you’ve done something wrong

and not being able to defend yourself

they sit there accusing you

acting as if they’re being hurt

your eyes dart through the courtroom

you must be terrified of your fate

when they condemn you to burn at the stake

your mind goes blank and then fills

with the horror of your impending death

you scream as they drag you away from the stand

you kick and try to break free from their hold

but they’re grip is too tight

in your cell you rattle the bars

until your hands feel raw and you fall to the fall

in a restless sleep that will be your last 

you dream of the life that was once yours 

when you wake you’re told to wash quickly and dress

you’ve resigned to your fate, so you blankly comply

they tie the knots as the crowd starts to form

around you as you climb the infamous gallows hill

as you stands on the box they slip the noose

over your neck and pull the knot tight

the crowd starts to yell and jeer

as the man kicks the box from beneath you

you take your last breath

and die knowing

that you did nothing wrong


Anonymoose said...

nice, i like your writing :D. I love to read, but I am also trying to make a comic strip, and I hope to write a novel in the summer holidays.