Thursday, July 10, 2008

Playing Ketchup

So here's the scoop on the whole kidney thingey-mahoozle: *deep breath*

Last October I started having headaches. When to the eye doctor to see if it was a condition I had had previously; it wasnt. By March-ish, they still weren't going away so I went to the doctor who thought it might be the old condition and put me on meds for it. When he did a check up and did some blood work. My creatanine (sp?) was 2.8 [**normal is 1.5-1.8**]. The doctor thought it might be a reaction to the meds, but the creatanine still didn't go down. After a month of seeing neurologists and such I was refferred to a Nephrologist, fancy speak for a kidney doctor. After doing a kidney biopsy and more tests than I can hope to count he diagnosed me with FSGS [Focal Segmental Glomerulal Sclerosis], a form of kidney disease which has no known cause or cure. Therefore, in the next couple of years I have to get a transplant, which bites because in the next couple of years I'm going to college. Not how I planned to spend college but hey, a new experience that's for sure.

Well ... I think I've purged enought info for now.

Love and Kisses